
Profit Sharz can support you to achieve your goals by assisting you to identify growth opportunities, sustainability and cost-efficiencies and provides three options to implement profit sharing into you organisation;

Engaged Consultancy

Consultancy packages are tailored to your organisations needs and can can include:

  • ProfitSharz facilitators to support and encourage employee-employer communications,
  • Assistance to negotiate and agree a plan and KPI’s measures,
  • Un-biased advice and coaching to obtain the best outcome for employees and employers.

Self-serve implementation

Self-serve offers you the opportunity to implement profit sharing on your own using freely available information with access to the ProfitSharz Scenario Calculator to run your own financial modelling scenarios.

Self-serve plus Data

Self-serve plus Data provides additional support from ProfitSharz through a monthly subscription, with advice on organisational learning and data link/tracking.

To discuss the options best suited to your business get in contact with us.